Salvatore D’Antonio

Salvatore D’Antonio is an assistant professor at the University of Naples Parthenope.

Salvatore D’Antonio got an MSc Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, in 2000. He was a researcher at Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (CINI), which is a consortium of Computer Science and Computer Engineering research groups operating within Italian Universities, from August 2000 until November 2008. He is currently Assistant Professor at University of Napoli “Parthenope”.
Salvatore D’Antonio has taught the following university courses: Computer Architectures at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II; Information Systems and Databases at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II; Computer Networks at the Faculty of Engineering of the Seconda Università di Napoli.
He has given a number of seminars and invited lectures at universities, research labs, and industries. Topics include: computer organization, computer networks, operating systems, computer programming, Web technologies, and computer security.
His main research interests are network monitoring and performance measurement, network security and resiliency, and multimedia systems.
From 2002 to 2003 he has been involved in the national research project, named LABNET, in the field of multimedia systems and applications. In particular, he worked on the development of a web-based application to remotely control and manage laboratory experiments.
From 2003 to 2006 he worked as CINI researcher on the implementation of a component-based architecture for dynamic adaptation of multimedia contents.
Such research activity has been performed in the framework of the WEB-MINDS (Wide-Scale Broadband, Middleware for Network Distributed Services) national research project.
From 2006 to 2008 he participated in the ESALAB project and contributed to the design and development of an intelligent system able to store and manage metadata about biomedical images.
He has been involved in several EU-funded research projects. In particular, he participated in the CADENUS (Creation and Deployment of End-User Services in Premium IP Networks – IST-1999-11017) project. In the framework of this project he designed and developed a software platform for dynamic negotiation, creation, and configuration of innovative services on top of Premium IP networks. In particular, he implemented an application for service discovery and negotiation based on the eb-XML (XML for electronic business) standard framework. He was co-editor of several project deliverables.
He has also been involved in the INTERMON project (Advanced Architecture for Inter-domain Quality of Services Monitoring, Modelling and Visualisation – IST-2001-34123). In this project he contributed to the definition and implementation of an approach for QoS measurement in an inter-domain scenario. He has been also responsible for the management of financial and administrative issues.
He has led the CAPTA (Common Analysis Platform for Traffic Anomalies) collaborative action in the framework of the Working Group 4 on “Self-Aware networking” of the E-NEXT project (Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies – IST FP6-506869). The aim of such initiative was to develop a flexible monitoring framework capable to effectively support intrusion detection systems.
Salvatore D’Antonio has been involved in four European research projects: NETQoS – Policy-based Management of Heterogeneous Networks for Guaranteed QoS (IST033516), which was a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) from the 5th call of IST FP6 framework, contributing to strategic objective of “Research Networking Testbeds”. The main objective of this project was the development of an autonomous policy-based QoS management for heterogeneous communication networks aimed to provide enhanced end-to-end QoS and efficient resource utilisation; OneLab – An Open Networking Laboratory Supporting Communication Network Research Across Heterogeneous Environments (IST034819), which aimed to setup an open networking laboratory supporting communication network research across heterogeneous environments. In particular, he worked on the integration of a UMTS micro-cell in the OneLab networking infrastructure; CONTENT – Content Networks and Services for Home Users (FP6-0384239). In the framework of such project he worked on the development of an application for MPEG video quality measurement in IP networks.
Finally, he is currently the project manager of the INSPIRE – INcreasing Security and Protection through Infrastructure REsilience (225553) project and the technical coordinator of the INTERSECTION – INfrastructure for heTErogeneous, Resilient, SEcure, Complex, Tightly Inter-Operating Networks (216585) project. He is also team leader in the framework of the OneLab2- An Open Federated Laboratory Supporting Network Research for the Future Internet (224263) project.

Contact info:

Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
Dipartimento per le Tecnologie
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4
80143 Napoli – ITALY

e-mail: salvatore.dantonio [at]